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1- You may experience some pain, swelling and bleeding after the surgery. 2- Take all the prescribed medications based on given instruction. 3- Apply an ice bag on your face over the surgical site on the day of surgery for 10 minutes on and 5 minutes off. 4-...

1- You may experience some pressure and discomfort on your teeth. 2- Be gentle with braces and avoid chewing hard and/or sticky food. 3- Brushing and flossing around braces are sometimes challenging but very important. 4- Call our office if you have any questions. ...

1- You may experience some cold and heat sensitivity (especially after deep cleaning). 2- If you have received anesthesia do not eat anything until the numbness has worn off. 3- Continue your regular brushing and flossing. 4- Some bleeding for a day or two after cleaning is normal,...

1- You may experience moderate pain and sensitivity to pressure on your tooth. Also, you may feel gum soreness for few days after your treatment. The healing process may take several days but the pain and discomfort should subside gradually. 2- Take any medication that was...

1- Crown and bridges usually take 2 or 3 appointments to complete. On the first appointment the tooth/teeth are prepared and impressions are taken and a temporary crown is placed on your tooth/teeth. 2- You may experience sensitivity, gum soreness and slight discomfort on the tooth...

1- Do not eat on your new filling for one hour and until your numbness is gone. 2- If you are supervising children who had fillings done, make sure they don t bite on their numb lips or tongue (it can cause serious injury to their...

1- Pressure should be placed on the gauze pad that has been placed on the extraction site for one hour. If the bleeding continues new gauze should be placed and pressed on for another 45 minutes. 2- If you are supervising children who have had extraction...

Sealants are thin layers of resin that are placed on the pits and fissures and grooves of (usually) molars to prevent decay on these surfacesThe majority of decays on back teeth starts on grooves and pits of chewing surfaces, especially during the first few years...

TMJ is the joint that connects the lower and upper jaw (skull). The terms TMJ stands for Temporo-Mandibular Joint. This is one of the most complicated joints of the whole body. One that allows forward and backward moves as well as rotations and side to...

Inlays or Onlays are lab-made restorations that are placed on teeth when the cavity or lost tooth structure is too large to be restored by a simple filling. The process of making an Inlay is very similar to a crown. After the tooth is prepared...

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